As a Senior Management Operations Director with Ghost Patrol International Holdings LLLC, I often face the challenge of wondering what it would be like to be called upon to share my professional wisdom. I ideate feelings of goodness. I imagineer a tingly sensation, like when my personal massage therapist, Doreen, uses that mentholated balm that feels good and scary, but good scary, all at once. I think about how my guidance might reap incredible profits for my franchise owners and for myself and my company or how it could devastate numerous lives with absolutely no repercussion to me whatsoever. Seriously, there would be no repercussion. That's a funny word, ree-purr-cuss-shun. The world of business is rich with exactly those kinds of opportunities for insight. As a Ghost Patrol franchise owner you may, from time to time, be faced with challenges that seem insurmountable. It is in those time that I encourage you to truly express your independence, to solve your own problems, to maybe try googling it. Make time for your needs. Eat right. Adopt an exotic pet. Change your hairstyle and color. Consider changing your name to just initials. Make a list of non-extradition treaty countries and keep it on your nightstand. Whatever you do, remember that Ghost Patrol International Holdings LLLC maintains the right to disavow any knowledge of your existence. Namaste.